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Newsmagazine of the Earth Sciences |
David R. Wunsch
Since 1974, scientists have been working on Capitol Hill through congressional science fellowship programs. Organized by AAAS and sponsored by science societies, the fellowships send scientists to work for a year on the staff of congressional committees or member offices. Four geoscience societies — the American Geological Institute (AGI), American Geophysical Union, Geological Society of America and Soil Science Society of America — sponsor fellows.
Although a large percentage of fellows come directly from academia,
AAAS statistics show that relatively few return to academic institutions.
This trend leads to an unfortunate lack of information transfer between
fellows experienced in public policy and their colleagues and students
in the university community.
To promote a cross-pollination of science policy information, the AGI
Foundation, which supports the AGI fellowship program, is also funding
the AGI Fellows Outreach Program. Established during my term as the 1998-1999
AGI Congressional Science Fellow, the program provides a funding pool for
travel that universities or societies can match, in dollars or in kind,
to bring in former fellows as speakers.
The outreach program may spur interested students, faculty and professionals
to consider career options in public policy. It provides an exceptional
introduction to policy-making from geoscientists who have been on the front
As the program’s first outreach fellow, I brought my presentation —
“Geoscientists in the Public Policy Arena: A View from Capitol Hill” —
to the University of Illinois, University of Kentucky, the State University
of New York at Oneonta, the Colorado School of Mines, and Illinois State,
Tennessee Tech and Central Michigan universities. I explained why more
geoscientists need to work in Congress, and described my job as a staffer
and how to become a better citizen-geologist. I shared anecdotes about
life on the Hill. An enthusiastic audience at each engagement greeted me,
which was a genuine surprise because most geologists consider getting involved
in public policy with the same relish as changing a flat tire on a rainy
day — a necessary task, but one no one wants to do.
As I traveled to different universities, I found that opportunities
exist to spread the message about science policy in diverse and creative
ways beyond delivering a specific speech that may or may not be well attended.
For example, at the Colorado School of Mines, I participated in teaching
a policy course for science honors students. Students enrolled in this
class learn a detailed analysis of government and its effect on issues
they might deal with as professional scientists and engineers. I lectured
on parliamentary procedure and offered tips on which agencies or congressional
committees disseminate specific information each student would need for
a class project. One can only imagine the strides the geosciences could
make in the policy arena if more geoscience departments enlisted similar
comprehensive science policy courses — and used outreach fellows to add
a perspective from the trenches.
A question I consistently encountered during my campus visits was:
“Are there employment opportunities in public policy without having to
go the science fellow route?”
Absolutely! Only a small percentage of congressional staffers have
scientific backgrounds. And by and large, congressional offices are keenly
aware of the importance of having trained scientists on staff to cover
the ever-increasing scientific and technical issues that are debated in
One of the best ways students can test the waters of a science-policy
career and get a foot in the door for future employment is to become an
intern. Interns work on the Hill, with federal organizations such as the
Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Geological Survey, or with groups
working in science policy, such as AGI. During my time in Washington, I
met several people who landed their congressional staff positions after
making good impressions as interns.
AGI’s 1999-2000 congressional science fellow, Eileen McLellan, is ready
to share her knowledge and experiences through the fellow outreach program.
AGI invites universities and organizations to take this opportunity and
bring science policy information to future geoscientists.
Wunsch served as AGI’s 1998-99 Congressional Science Fellow. He is the State Geologist of New Hampshire and an adjunct assistant professor at Dartmouth College. E-mail:
American Geological Institute
More About
AGI is pleased to announce an outreach opportunity for geoscience departments and societies interested in the role of the geosciences in government. Former AGI Congressional Science Fellows are available to lead public policy sessions. Dr. Eileen McLellan served as the 1999-2000 Congressional Science Fellow, working in the office of Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), where she continues to serve as an adviser on environmental and resource issues. The AGI Foundation, which sponsors the fellowship, has provided limited matching travel funds to support this opportunity. For more information, contact the AGI Government Affairs Program at
4220 King Street, Alexandria VA 22302-1502.
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