Geologists have long wanted to peer inside a volcano. Although we have good
evidence from extinct and eroded volcanoes of their inner structure, we know
little about the conditions in and near active volcanic conduits. Indeed, few
features important to the study of geologic hazards have so much speculation
but so little direct information available as the conduit of an active volcano.
have been drilling the Unzen Volcano in Japan, shown here from northeast, to
learn more about the processes that lead to an eruption. A new dome from a 1991-1995
eruption event forms the summit and left skyline. A white circle marks the drill
rig. Courtesy of the Unzen Scientific Drilling Project.
Direct observation of such a dynamic subsurface system requires drilling. The
obstacle in the case of volcanoes is not depth: The important processes that
control eruption dynamics appear to operate in the uppermost few kilometers
of magma ascension to the surface. The challenge is not temperature or toxic
and corrosive fluids: Drilling in geothermal systems has successfully dealt
with conditions nearly as severe as what may prevail in volcanic conduits. Nor
is it the fear of triggering an eruption: Only the most fluid basaltic magmas
could flow through a small-diameter borehole, and drilling can only be a tiny
pinprick of a perturbation to such a huge system.
The true obstacle has been to assemble the necessary resources, talent and,
most of all, the will to take the audacious step beyond the ordinary and drill
into the unknown. We are now surmounting that obstacle with the Unzen Scientific
Drilling Project, a joint undertaking of the Japan Ministry of Education, Culture,
Science, Sports and Technology and the International Continental Scientific
Drilling Program. During this year, the project should reach and sample the
conduit of Unzen Volcano in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan.
The conduit problem
Because modern eruption forecasts rely on interpretation of geophysical signals
emanating from volcanic conduits in particular, microseismicity, surface
deformation, and gas and thermal emissions understanding conduits will
inevitably lead to improved interpretation of premonitory signals and hence
to reduction in losses of life and property during volcanic crises.
Textbooks almost uniformly confront us with the view of a volcano as a cone
with a central pipe. Anyone who has thought about this will realize that the
central pipe cannot be open during repose; rather, it will be filled with magma
crystallized at the end of the last eruption. As such, it may not represent
the weakest path for new magma to the surface, but the strongest.
So why does magma repeatedly follow the same path? Indeed, why does magma erupt
at the summit at all? Upward flow cannot start as pipe flow but must start as
a fluid-filled crack or dike, and the rising magma cannot be too dense or it
could never reach the top of the volcano.
For magma to emerge as lava instead of exploding into ash, it must lose an immense
amount of gas, mostly steam, during its journey up the conduit. This is the
central question of our drilling project and perhaps the most important problem
from the standpoint of understanding eruptive behavior: Can we, by examining
the structure, permeability, gas pathways and conditions of a conduit, understand
why some volcanoes explode while others ooze?
The choice of Unzen Volcano
Unzen looms
with a frightening steepness above the small coastal city of Shimabara in Nagasaki
Prefecture. A lava eruption at its summit in 1792 was followed by catastrophic
collapse into the sea of Mayuyama, a subsidiary dome, which took part of the
town with it and caused a tsunami that killed some 15,000 people. This was Japans
largest volcanic catastrophe.
The town of Shimabara sprawls at the foot of Unzen Volcano. Light areas are
those devastated by the 1991-1995 eruption. The partially vegetated face of
Mayuyama is the landslide scar from collapse into Shimabara Bay just after the
1792 eruption. Flank holes USDP-1 and USDP-2 explored growth of the Unzen edifice.
USDP-3 was a pilot hole to test drilling conditions high on the northern slope.
USDP-4 is targeted to reach the conduit for the 1991-1995 eruption. In the background
is Tachibana Bay, where the first seismicity associated with rise of Unzen magma
occurred in 1989. Courtesy of the Unzen Scientific Drilling Project.
More recently, in 1990, the volcano became restless. Earthquakes deep beneath
Tachibana Bay to the west were the first sign of new trouble. These migrated
upward and eastward to beneath Unzens summit, and inflation of the edifice
began. Within a year, steam explosions commenced from a number of vents at the
summit. Finally in 1991, about 18 months after the first earthquakes, lava emerged.
Spilling off the summit upland, the growing dome failed and avalanched, generating
powerful block-and-ash pyroclastic flows that accounted for much of the ensuing
destruction. Forty-four people were killed (all within previously evacuated
areas), 15,000 people were subject to lengthy evacuations, and $2 billion worth
of property was lost in four years of intermittent volcanic violence that ended
in 1995.
This event is arguably the first eruption fully monitored in a modern
fashion with abundant seismic, surface deformation, gas, geochemical and petrological
data collected from its earliest inception to finish. It was also an early success
in accurately forecasting the time and point of first emergence of lava at the
surface. Most important to volcanology, it is a clear end-member case of eruptive
behavior in which a water-rich silicic magma erupted in an almost purely effusive
manner. Thus, because of its comprehensive eruption record, societal impact,
and scientific importance, Unzen Volcano became the first target of conduit
Drilling challenges
Discussion of drilling Unzen began almost as soon as the eruption ceased. An
international conference in Shimabara in May 1997 started the process of shaping
the research. A special issue of the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,
published in 1999, brought together much of what was then known about the volcano
and the recent eruption.
Next began a program of flank drilling and associated geophysical surveys to
understand the growth history of the volcano and provide a view of drilling
conditions that would be encountered in the drive to the conduit. Flank drilling
produced important scientific results in its own right, showing that the volcano
is about 500,000 years old and grew synchronously with subsidence of the graben
in which it lies. Unzens earliest history was explosive, but, for much
of its life, its petrology and behavior have been similar to that of the modern
In parallel with these preliminary scientific investigations, we had to resolve
difficult issues concerning drilling engineering, logistics and permitting.
Foremost among the concerns were that drilling might deplete scarce water resources
high on the mountain, destroy important natural habitats of the national park
that protects its beautiful summit upland, or interfere with sightseeing and
enjoyment by the many tourists who travel to the region. At the same time, the
selected drill site needed to maximize the chance of success at minimum cost.
Some of these criteria seemed mutually exclusive. We also had to face the question
of whether to drill the hole at a slant from the start (necessitating a tilted
rig), or to begin it more conventionally as a vertical borehole and then conduct
the challenging operation of drilling a turn toward the target with a downhole
motor. To maximize chances of hitting the target, believed to be elongate in
the east-west direction, an approach from the north or south was deemed desirable.
In addition to the turn at depth, the most technically challenging aspect of
the operation has been the expected high temperature at depth. Using estimated
conduit size, geochemically determined emplacement temperature, four-year duration
of magmatic flow, and the nine years since cessation of flow, a conduction model
suggested the conduit core could be as hot at 600 degrees Celsius. This is hotter
than the record 500 degrees Celsius reached in geo-thermal drilling at Kakkonda
in Iwate Prefecture.
We expect, however, that most of the edifice is cold, having been devoid of
flowing magma since 1792; therefore, the hot interval of the hole will be short.
The amount of heat that must be removed to cool the hole during drilling should
be within the capabilities of the geothermal drilling industry.
We solved some of the drilling issues by beginning the borehole high on the
undeveloped north flank of the volcano. The location is geometrically advantageous
for hitting the target and is outside the most sensitive national park zone
and opposite the side of the volcano accessed by tourists. Visitors can, however,
appreciate the excitement of this scientific adventure through exhibits at the
new Unzen Volcano Museum in Shimabara. A water well was drilled on the lower
flank, and a 4-kilometer pipeline was constructed to supply the drilling operation.
The drawback of choosing a relatively remote site was distance from the road
system. A forest road had to be improved and extended, at great cost.
Drilling to date
Drilling of the conduit hole began in February 2003 with a traditional Shinto
ceremony that affirmed the teamwork of specialists and laborers who brought
the project to fruition and would carry it forward. Soon, however, the drilling
began to follow a worst-case scenario. Problems arose from the presence of open
fractures and a deep water table in the flank of the edifice. Although this
lost-circulation had been anticipated through experience with a
pilot hole, the larger diameter of the conduit hole made this problem more severe,
interfering with the effort to turn the hole toward the conduit on the proper
Last April, the operation was halted to allow time to develop a new plan. Drilling
resumed in September with more water and a different mud strategy. The turn
toward the conduit, begun at a depth of 80 meters, built slowly to 18 degrees
at 321 meters deep, 33 degrees at 414 meters, 52 degrees at 620 meters, and
the desired final deviation of 75 degrees at 764 meters depth. With this challenge
overcome, drilling was stopped at 824 meters depth, awaiting Japans new
fiscal year for the final drive to the conduit. As expected, the well at this
depth is still cool.
The path ahead
From here, the planned trajectory is a straight shot for the conduit 1,000
meters away. As we approach it, we should begin to see a rapid rise in temperature.
Perhaps there will be a rise in the degree of hydrothermal alteration of cuttings
as well. Intrusive units may become more frequent in fact, this poses
a problem because with a 500,000-year history of small to moderate-sized eruptions,
there must be many lithologically similar intrusions at depth. The intrusion
of interest to us, however, will be the one that coincides with the temperature
maximum. Thus, we may not know for certain of our success in hitting the target
until we have passed through it.
Penetration of the conduit will yield exciting information as to its width,
structure, temperature and the permeability of the environment. For petrologists
on the team, developing a complete picture of the system must await a second
pass through the conduit.
Once the precise interval of the conduit in the borehole is known, the plan
is to kick off from the borehole above the conduit and drill through it once
again, this time coring continuously. We should then have an uninterrupted wall-to-wall
view of the intrusion, which, as magma, fed the 1991-1995 eruption.
It would be foolish now and perhaps embarrassing later to speculate extensively
on what we will find. We may not find all the answers we seek but instead be
able to ask new, more informed questions that take us beyond well-worn intellectual
ruts and cartoonistic views. This really is an exploration of the unknown. There
still is a new frontier in volcanology: It lies just below the surface.
USDP-4 conduit hole is aimed to intersect the region of intense high-frequency
seismicity associated with the 1991-1995 eruption. Targeting is also guided
by modeling of centers of inflation, seismic tomography and reflection,
electrical data and consideration of vent structure. Unique results expected
from this drilling are the following: 1. Physical parameters of a conduit for which the eruptive record is well known. 2. Conduit structure, conduit and wallrock permeability, and evidence of gas pathways. 3. Temperature, pressure and fluid conditions in and around the conduit, in order to understand how the magma column interacts with the volcanos resident hydrologic system. 4. A proximal, low-noise observation post,
from which to observe the rise of the next pulse of new magma. |
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