This years Highlights issue includes nearly 40 stories covering a variety
of disciplines in the earth sciences all aimed at giving you a snapshot
of some big news and trends in the field. Some disciplines are new to the issue,
some overlap with one another, and some continue from where they left off last
year. An interesting thread that runs through many of the stories is the enormous
impact the Mars exploration missions are having on the earth science landscape.
The past year has been an exciting one for the geosciences, and we hope that
these brief snapshots will bring home that excitement and help you make some
connections across the various fields and into current events.
As with last year's Highlights online,
the Web versions present longer and slightly modified versions of those that
appeared in print.
by Rachel E. Abercrombie
Structural Geology by Mary HubbardVolcanoes by Michael Ramsey
Sedimentary Basins by Brian Horton
Geomorphology by Noah P. Snyder
Caves and Karst by Louise D. Hose
Geodesy by Jeff Freymueller
Geochemistry by Adam Kent
Mineralogy I by Robert M. Hazen
Mineralogy II by Udo Becker
Geoengineering by David B. Simon and Allen W. Hatheway
Clay Minerals by Theo Kloprogge
Carbonates by The University of Kansas Carbonate Research Group
Soil Science by Naomi Lubick, Geotimes Staff Writer
Hydropedology by Hangsheng Lin
Metamorphism by Donna L. Whitney
Igneous Petrology by Lang Farmer
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Economic Geology
by Neil Phillips
Petroleum Geology by Jim Handschy
Geothermal Energy by John Sass and Wendell Dufield
Mapping by Harvey Thorleifson
Hydrogeology by Stephen M. Testa
Coal Science by Leslie Ruppert
Exploration Geophysics by Craig Beasley
Organic Petrology by Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay
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Through Time
Vertebrate Paleontology
by Donald Prothero
Invertebrates by Warren Allmon
Geoarcheaology by David L. Cremeens
Geomicrobiology and Genomes by Jan Amend
Palynology by Fredrick J. Rich and Gordon D. Wood
Paleobotany by Brian Axsmith
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and Climate
Paleoceonography & Paleoclimatology by Athanasios Koutavas
Ocean Drilling by Thomas A. Davies
Limnogeology by Elizabeth H. Gierlowski-Kordesch
Glaciology by Ted Scambos
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by Tim McCoy
Planetary Geology by Geoffrey Collins
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