Geotimes issue: Rebuilding Iraq, October 2003
Featuring: Assessing Iraq's Oil Potential,
by Mohammad Al-Gailani; Water, Agriculture and Land Cover: Lessons for the Postwar
Era, by Mohamed Sultan et al.; Comment: Reconstructing Afghanistan: Nation Building
or Nation Failure? by John F. Shroder Jr.
A future for Iraq's
oil, February 2003
Foreign policy experts recommend that in the event of U.S.-led regime
change in Iraq Iraq retain control of its own oil sector and proceeds
from oil sales go directly back into investing in oil infrastructure.
armed with geophysics, November 2002
One of the most important places for U.N. inspectors to look for weapons in
Iraq is underground. Geophysics provides the tools.
Oil in Iraq,
November 2002
A unique geology has enriched Iraq with the second largest oil reserves in the
world but years of war and sanctions have driven wild fluctuations in
oil production.