Page Archive
Profiles of earth scientists along
with news from AGI and its member societies
2008 Issues
July Stephanie Schwabe
June Ruth DeFries
May Don Paul
April Susan Avery
March Spencer Wells
February Robin Bell
January Marshall Shepherd
2007 Issues
December Five New Congressional Science Fellows
November David Applegate
October Geologist Sarah Gaines
September Seismologist Brian Tucker
August Gavin Schmidt and Michael Mann
July Geophysicist Ross Stein
May Robert Nemiroff and Jerry Bonnell
April Wallace Broecker: Changes in the atmosphere
March At first light: Q & A with Maxine Singer
February Susan Cannon: Watching for flowing mud
January Max Mayfield: In the eye of the storm
2006 Issues
December Congressional science fellows: Broadening horizons
Mark D. Myers: Politics, pipelines and permafrost
David Fastovsky: Dinosaur virtuoso
Donald Forsyth: At play in the field
August Todd Hoeksema: A flare for all things solar
July H. Jay Zwally: Glaciologist by chance
June Natalie Mahowald: Interdisciplinary intellect
May Ralph Cicerone: Chemistry, baseball and politics
April Ann Carpenter: Searching for gold
March Patrick Leahy: Traversing boundaries
February Margaret Kivelson: Magnetically minded
January Gerald Friedman: Sedimentary historian
2005 Issues
December Geoscientists meet Hill policy: Congressional Fellows Kit Batten, Nicole Gasparini, Steve Quane, Eryn Robinson, Josh Trapani
November Donald Russell: Paleontologiste français
Sam Adams: Humanist geologist
Paul Bierman: New landscapes
for teaching
Brian Atwater: Earthquake hunter
in the field
July Marcia
McNutt: Oceangoing geophysicist
June Lonnie
Thompson: Tracking ice in the tropics
May Michael Collier: Doctor, photographer, geologist
April G. Brent Dalrymple: Deep time in a tarpaper
March Keiiti Aki: Seismological polymath
February George H. Billingsley: Mapping the
Grand Canyon
January Norman Newell: Legendary and versatile
2004 Issues
December GeoFellows in D.C.: Sarah Noble, Lydia Olander, Jana Davis, Katie Donnelly and
Melissa D. Ho
Ernie Mancini: Bridging oil research and politics
Heidi Tringe and Gene Whitney: View from the White House
Lucy Jones: The calm after
the quake
Susan Solomon: Chemistry
in the clouds
July Joining
the academy: The National Academy of Sciences has elected six geoscientists
to join its membership this year. [Donald Helmberger, Raymond Jeanloz, Dennis
Kent, George Philander, Maria Zuber, David Stevenson]
June Larry Funkhouser: The "Midwestern" oil explorer
Reds Wolman: From cows to pebble counts
April Past is Prologue: Honoring young scientists
[Michael Manga, Guido Salvucci, Kurt Cuffey and Liangxing Wen]
March Julie Jackson: The quiet public geologist
February Don Turcotte: From convection to
W. Jason Morgan: Geophysics guru honored
2003 Issues
December Congressional Fellows: Climbing the Hill
Ed Roy: Thinking and teaching in Texas
David Krause: Kudos at home and abroad
Jim Davis: Lessons from Josiah
Kathryn Sullivan: It's about
the journey
July Peter
Vail: The sedimentary time master
Mary Lou Zoback and James Dieterich: Survey
scientists in the National Academy; Bill Dietrich
Carolyn and Barb Tewksbury
Vicki Cowart: From rocks to reproductive rights
March Dick Fiske: Basic research yields big finds
February Gail
Ashley: Outstanding educator encourages tenure change
January William
Bowie medalist: Adam Dziewonski; AGU Awards of excellence
2002 Issues
December Fellows take earth science to the Hill; Ian Campbell winner: Frank Rhodes;
Heroy winner: Bob Ridky
Philip Bart; Minority scholars announced
October Walter
Alvarez; John McPhee; Richard Gordon; Sam Adams
September International
Basement Tectonics Association Inc; John Grotzinger; Museum of the Earth
August Dan Smith;
Tanya Atwater
July Charles
Keeling; D. James Baker
June Richard
Monastersky and Diane Tennant; Eugenie Scott; Bill Crain
May Mary L.
Fleming; Gale Norton; Tim Kusky
April Alexandra
Navrotsky; Maureen Raymo; Farouk El-Baz
March Christopher
Chyba; Bill Wilson and Leonard Konikow; Charles S. Falkenberg Award; John Orcutt
February Dan
McKenzie, Richard Fairbanks, Albrecht Hofmann, the late Dorothy Stout, Vassilis
Angelopoulos, Dan Schrag and Azadeh Tabazadeh.
January Peter
Smeallie; Anthony Kampf; John Rishel and Bill Condit; and Margaret Mangan
2001 Issues
December Robert J. Weimer; Jack Hess; Steven M. Stanley; John Noble Wilford
November G.
Brent Dalrymple and Eugenie C. Scott; John Southard; Sarah Andrews; Michel T.
Halbouty; David Curtiss
October Daniel
Weill; John J. Dragonetti, Susan M. Landon, William V. Knight and Thomas G.
Fails; Kenneth Weaver; Azerbaijan scholars; Charles "Chip" Groat
July Cheng-kong
Chou; Ambassadors for Science; Alma Hale Paty; Paul Hummel; NAS members; David
June Paul Scheidig;
Glennda Chui and Richard Stone; Deborah Sacrey
May Rob Van
der Voo; David Stephenson; Pick and Gavel Awards; Fossils of Ohio; Marlan Downey
April Sharon Mosher;
Howard Harper; student research grants; Susan Landon
March John Nicholl;
Maurice Deul; Chip Groat; Thomas Swetnam;
February Gilbert F.
White; Theodora Zoto; Philippe Theys;
January Larry D. Woodfork;
Lloyd Cluff; Samuel S. Adams; Quentin Williams and Scott Doney
2000 Issues
December Invertebrate micropaleontology grant; Joel L. Pederson; Ronald Baird; Elizabeth
November Konrad Krauskopf;
Steven Bohlen; David Wunsch; Suzanne OConnell; Luna Leopold; John Doran
October Azerbaijan
scholars; Material Service Corp; Thomas A. Steven; SEG Grants; James Cotter
September Christopher
Beard, Dan Schrag and Carl Safina
August Biogeoscience
at AGU; SEG building; Scott Baldridge
July Junior Nobel
Laureates; Showcasing science; George Davis and Joaquin Ruiz; Robbie Rice Gries;
Obituary: Gary D. Howell
June Alexandra Witze
and Richard L. Hill; Gerald M. Friedman; Marcus Milling; Kathryn Makeig; John
E. Scherer; NAS members; Obituary: Harold L. James
May Congressional Visits;
NAE members; Pick and Gavel Awards; Walter D. Keller; Obituary: Eduard Henri
Henk Dahlberg
April National Medal
of Science; Fulbright grants; Siegfried Muessig; Outstanding Educator Award;
Scott W. Tinker; Geology Letters; Obituary: Perry L. Ehlig
March SOP grants;
Louis L. Jacobs; John Estes; Kathryn Clement; NAS awards; Obituary: William
Bill T. Holser
February AGU on evolution;
Larry A. Lebofsky; Mohamed Sultan; USNS Mary Sears; James C. Cobb; Obituary:
John Charles Ferm
January Grant A. Meyer;
T. Markham Puckett; Mary Lou Zoback; Quenton C. Williams and MSA awardees; Russell
G. Slayback; Larry D. Woodfork and AGI officers; Obituary: James V. OConnor
1999 Issues
December SSA, SEG, AWG, National Association of State Boards of Geology officers;
calendar; Obituary: Charles Day Masters
November People &
Places; officers; Obituary: Charles Davis Hollister
October People &
Places; Julia A. Jackson; Donald C. Haney; Pamela Hallock Muller; Distinguished
Lecture Program; SOP officers including pres-elect Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay;
James Basinger; Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve; Obituary: Eugene
M. Shoemaker